The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology – Providing dermatologists with peer-reviewed, evidence-based information on the latest techniques, and cutting-edge practice management solutions.

Before you submit, please note the following:

Due to high volume of submissions, we currently are NOT ACCEPTING CASE REPORT SUBMISSIONS. 
First authors of all submissions must have one of the following doctoral degrees: MD, DO, PhD, PharmD, or international equivalent of a doctoral degree. In some cases, a board certified dermatologist may be required as a co-author. 
Medical students and PhD candidatesPlease see “Emerging Authors in Dermatology” section below (Note: We are no longer accepting submissions to our Emerging Authors series for 2023).
Nurse practitioners and physician assistantsplease see “NP+PA Perspectives in Dermatology” section for information on how to submit a manuscript as a first author.


The mission of The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology (JCAD) is to provide dermatologists with up-to-date, evidence-based information on the latest treatment options, new techniques, and practice management issues; thus, helping them improve their daily practice. JCAD is a peer-reviewed medical journal that publishes original research and practical information on a broad range of pertinent topics relating to both clinical and aesthetic dermatology.

Submission requirements for JCAD (ISSN 1941-2789) are in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). See Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal.

Submissions for consideration may be sent via Editorial Manager. E-mailed submissions are no longer accepted.


Manuscripts that meet our editorial purpose include but are not limited to: (1) reports of preclinical and clinical research studies that expand existing knowledge; (2) in-depth reviews; (3) reviews on clinical practice, management, reimbursement, education, ethics, and legal issues; (4) reviews and reports of contemporary topics in dermatology and dermatology practice that may affect the delivery, reimbursement, or practice of dermatologic care; (5) case studies and reports that stimulate research and the exchange of information.

Original Research. Reports of investigations that address questions about clinical care or expand existing knowledge. References and illustrative material are recommended. Must include abstract. Recommended length: up to 6000 words, not including references.

Review Articles. Comprehensive articles summarizing basic strategies to facilitate the dermatologist’s approach to diagnosis and treatment and articles highlighting emerging diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. May also include in-depth reviews of clinical practice, management, reimbursement, educational, ethical, and legal issues. At least 25 current references are recommended. Illustrative material is preferred. Must include abstract. Recommended length: up to 6000 words, not including references.

Case Reports. Short presentations of actual cases that stimulate research and the exchange of information and illustrate the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of a disorder. At least 15 current references are recommended. Illustrative material is preferred. Must include abstract. Recommended length: 1000 to 3000 words (not including references).

Brief Reports. Short reports of original studies or evaluations or unique, first-time reports of clinical case series. Must include abstract. Recommended length: 1000 to 1500 words (not including references).

Special Communications. Communications that describe an important issue in clinical or aesthetic dermatology in a scholarly, thorough, well-referenced, systematic, or evidence-based manner. Must include abstract. Recommended length: up to 3000 words (not including references).

Commentaries. Essays that address important topics in clinical or aesthetic dermatology and generally are not linked to a specific article. Commentaries should be well focused, scholarly, and clearly presented. Include approximately 20 references. Recommended length: 1500 to 2000 words.

Letters to the Editor. Opinions on cases or articles published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, opinions on other current topics, or short reports of clinical interest. Must be concise and to the point. Please indicate whether the letter is intended for publication. Text should not exceed 600 words, with no more than five references. Letters should be received within 2 months of the article’s publication and may be sent to the original author for reply. The editor reserves the right to edit the material for style, clarity, and size.


Submissions for consideration may be sent via Editorial Manager. E-mailed submissions are no longer accepted.

**First-author Submission Policy.** First authors of all submissions must have one of the following doctoral degrees: MD, DO, PhD, PharmD, or the international equivalent of a doctoral degree. In some cases, a board certified dermatologist may be required as a co-author. Submissions by first authors who do not have a doctoral degree (including medical students and PhD candidates, regardless of year of study) will not be considered for publication and will be returned to the submitting author. **For alternative publication options, please see NP+PA Perspectives in Dermatology (for NPs and PAs) or Emerging Authors in Dermatology sections below).**

Emerging Authors in Dermatology. A very select number of submissions with nondoctoral-degree first authors will be considered for the bi-annual JCAD article series titled “Emerging Authors in Dermatology,” which is published in the June and December issues of the journal. Submissions under consideration will undergo peer review, and will be accepted or not accepted for publication based on that peer review. The corresponding author will be notified if their submission is being considered for possible publication in the Emerging Authors section. All other submissions will be returned to the authors and will not be considered for publication. Please note that at least one coauthor of all Emerging Author submissions must hold a doctoral degree; in some cases, a Board Certified Dermatologist coauthor will be required. Intent to submit to the Emerging Authors series should be indicated in the cover letter of these submissions. 

NP+PA Perspectives in Dermatology submissions. To submit a manuscript to this JCAD supplement series, authors should follow JCAD’s standard submission process as outlined in these Author Guidelines, with the following exceptions: 1) one or more of the coauthors should hold either an NP or PA degree; 2) first authors must hold an NP, PA, MD, DO, and/or PhD degree (or the international equivalent thereof); and 3) when submitting the article via Editorial Manager, please select “NP+PA Perspectives in Dermatology” when prompted to choose a “section.” Accepted articles that are published in this supplement series will be indexed under the JCAD title in Pubmed Central, Scopus, EMBASE, and CINAHL Plus.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures. All authors should disclose any potential financial conflicts of interest relevant to the submitted manuscript.

Author and Copyright Forms. Upon submission, authors will be asked to complete and return an Author Form, which requires corresponding author information, authorship statement, and financial disclosure. Authors will also be asked to sign and return a copyright form. If the manuscript is accepted and published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, authors must transfer copyright to Matrix Medical Communications. Download author form here. Download copyright form here.

Registration of Clinical Trials. As recommended by the ICMJE, The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology requires, as a condition of consideration for publication, registration of all clinical trials in a public trials registry that requires the minimum registration data set as determined by the ICMJE [visit index.html#clin_trials for guidelines]. Please include the trial registry name, registration number, and the url for the registry in the abstract.

Protection of Research Participants. When reporting research involving human data, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed have been assessed by the responsible review committee (institutional and national), or if no formal ethics committee is available, were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. Approval by a responsible review committee does not preclude editors from forming their own judgment whether the conduct of the research was appropriate.  See for more information.

Patient Consent. Identifying information, including names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that an identifiable patient be shown the manuscript to be published. Authors should disclose to these patients whether any potential identifiable material might be available via the Internet as well as in print after publication. Patient consent should be written and archived with the authors. The authors must provide the journal with a written statement that attests that they have received and archived written patient consent. Nonessential identifying details should be omitted. Informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt that anonymity can be maintained. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of patients is inadequate protection of anonymity, and thus will require patient consent. If identifying characteristics are de-identified, authors should provide assurance, and editors should so note, that such changes do not distort scientific meaning. See for more information.

Animal Experiments. Manuscripts will be considered for publication only if the work follows international, national, and/or institutional guidelines for humane animal treatment and complies with relevant legislation; has been approved by the ethics review committee at the institution or practice at which the studies were conducted where such a committee exists; and for studies using client-owned animals, demonstrates a high standard (best practice) of veterinary care and involves informed client consent. Prior to acceptance of a manuscript, to verify compliance with the above policies, the authors must include a signed statement that legal and ethical requirements were met with regard to the humane treatment of animals described in the study. Author must also describe in Materials and Methods section(s) of the manuscript the ethical review committee approval process and the international, national, and/or institutional guidelines that were followed. See for more information.

Inclusion of previously published materials. Any material submitted to The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology that is reproduced from previously published copyrighted material must be accompanied by a letter of permission from the copyright holder. All such material should include a full credit line (e.g., in the figure or table legend) acknowledging the original source. The author is responsible for obtaining the permission and is responsible for any associated fees.


Title Page. The title page should contain the following elements: title, author names and institutional affiliations, sources of financial support, name of corresponding author with his or her complete contact information (mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address), and word count.

Spacing and Pagination. Please use double spacing throughout. Do not use a running head. Pages should be numbered beginning with the title page. Please line number all submissions for the benefit of our reviewers. To add line numbers to your Word file, select View/Print Layout/Format/Document/select Layout Tab/select Line Numbers/check Add Line Numbering and Continuous, and save the changes.

Abstract. Include an abstract with all articles, except letters to the editors. Abstracts should be limited to 250 words. Please structure abstracts as follows:

Abstracts for studies should be organized using the headings Objective, Methods, Results, Limitations, and Conclusion. Abstracts of clinical trials must include trial registry information (registry name, registration number, and url for the registry).

Abstracts of review articles should be organized into the following categories: Objective, Method of Literature Search, Results, Limitations, Conclusion.

Abstracts for all other articles (case reports, commentaries, etc) do not require headings but should state a purpose and summarize the key points of the article.

Keywords. Include all relevant keywords following the abstract.

Abbreviations/Acronyms. All abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out at first mention.

References. Submissions with incorrectly formatted references will be returned to the corresponding author and will not be considered until corrected. Citation accuracy is the responsibility of the author. Requirements are in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (see for more information). References must be cited in the text in numerical order and must appear as a complete enumerated list at the end of the manuscript. (See Uniform Requirements.) Do not superscript reference numbers in the text; place the numbers between brackets at the end of the corresponding sentences or paragraphs. Abbreviate names of journals according to Index Medicus style. Book references should include the author(s), editor(s), title, edition number, publisher and city, copyright date, volume, and specific page numbers for quoted material.

The sequence for a journal article should be: authors (up to four; for five or more authors, list the first three, followed by et al), title of paper, journal name abbreviated as in the Index Medicus, year of publication, volume number, issue number and first and last page numbers. Example:
1.    Del Rosso JQ, Webster GF, Jackson M, et al. Two randomized phase III clinical trials evaluating anti-inflammatory-dose doxycycline (40-mg doxycycline, USP capsules) administered once daily for treatment of rosacea. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007;56:791–802.

The sequence for chapters of a book should be: author(s), chapter title, editors, book title, edition, place of publication, publisher, year, page numbers. Example:
2.    Hanake E, Baran R, Bureau H. Tumors of the nail apparatus and adjacent tissues. In: Baran R, Dawber RPR, de Berker DAR, et al, eds. Baran and Dawber’s Diseases of the Nails and Their Management. 3rd ed. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Science; 2001:515–630.

The sequence for conference proceedings is:
3.    Heller T. Promoting healthy aging and community inclusion of adults with developmental disabilities. Presented at:?The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed; October 24, 2003; Chicago.

Authors are responsible for ensuring that the list contains all references cited in the text, in order, and accurately.

Tables and Figures. All illustrative material must be numbered consecutively according to citation in text. If a figure or table has been previously published, the complete reference information must be cited, and written permission from the publisher to reproduce must be submitted with the material. Obtaining permission (and any associated fees) to include previously published materials in a JCAD submission is the responsibility of the author. Photographic illustrations may be submitted as color or black-and-white electronic .jpg or .tif files (min. 300 dpi). Other types of illustrations (e.g., drawings, graphs, charts) must be professionally executed and also submitted electronically. Symbols and abbreviations should be defined/spelled out. For black-and-white or color photographs, the required resolution is at least 300 dpi. For line drawings, the resolution must be at least 600 dpi. Tables should be submitted in Word document format; tables submitted as PDFs or image files will have to be resubmitted.


Peer Review. All submissions undergo peer review to ensure that the material is clinically relevant and concise. A minimum of two reviewers will assess each submission. Strict confidentiality regarding the submitted manuscript is maintained. Based on the reviewers/editors’ comments, manuscripts may be accepted, rejected, or recommended for revision. Reviewer comments that are considered constructive will be shared with the corresponding author.

Editing and Page Proofs. Articles accepted for publication will be edited for consistency of style, clarity, and correct grammatical construction. Page proofs will be sent to the author prior to publication for approval and may contain author queries that will need to be addressed. The author will be given no more than 48 hours to respond with changes/corrections. The author is responsible for all changes in the manuscript, including those of the copy editor.


Article reprints are available at a discounted price to the corresponding author. Reprint pricing will be provided to the corresponding author along with issue copies following publication. Orders must be for a minimum of 100 copies.



Currently, there is no fee charged to submit to or publish in the journal.